News & Events

Topics Class for Spring 2022

In the Spring 2022 semester, two topics classes will be offered:

CSC 495-01/693-01 TinyML
Prof. Somya Mohanty
Class: Tues/Thurs 3:30-4:45
The TinyML course covers topics in the domain of machine learning on edge devices. We will learn about how to develop classical and deep learning approaches to be deployed on small microcontrollers which can sense the world around you. You will learn about model development, compression techniques, efficient memory and CPU management, and long range connectivity via LoRA-WAN. The course is hands-on with embedded devices that are provided for every student to develop their experiments. This is sponsored by Google TensorFlow Research.
Official prerequisite: Permission of instructor

CSC 495-02/693-02 Software Security
Prof. Steve Tate
Class: Tues/Thurs 3:30-4:45
This course will cover common vulnerabilities in software, and how software bugs can have serious security consequences. We will consider buffer overflows, return-oriented programming,stack smashing, integer overflow, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other classes of vulnerabilities. We will also look at techniques for avoiding these vulnerabilities, ranging from good programming practices to the use of static analysis and other tools. The course will be experimental, with students locating, exploiting, and fixing vulnerabilities throughout the semester.
Official prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Recommended prerequisite: CSC 330 is required. Programming experience with C or C++ (such as from CSC 362 or CSC 339) is strongly recommended.