CSC 300X-01
ExpCrs: Web Development
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-1:45 PM
Instructor: Ms. Sunny Ntini
This course will introduce students to concepts of web application development, including web page structure and appearance, client-side interactivity and behavior, web services and APIs, server-side scripting, persistent data storage, and software version control. Specific topics to be covered will include HTML/CSS, JavaScript (JS), Asynchronous JavaScript (AJAX) with fetch and JSON, APIs, Client-side frameworks (Angular/React/Vue), Git version control, SQL, Web stack architectures (REST, MVC, etc.) UX/UI design principles and more. This will be a mostly practical course and students will work in groups to build a full-stack web application of their choice. This course will fulfill the upper-level elective requirement.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CSC 230 and CSC 261, or permission of instructor.
CSC 495-01/693-01 Natural Language Processing
Instructor: Prof. Yingcheng Sun
Class: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-1:45 PM
Natural language processing (NLP) or computational linguistics is one of the most important technologies of the information age. Applications of NLP are everywhere because people communicate almost everything in language: web search, advertising, emails, customer service, language translation, virtual agents, medical reports, politics, etc. In the last decade, deep learning (or neural network) approaches have obtained very high performance across many different NLP tasks, using single end-to-end neural models that do not require traditional, task-specific feature engineering. In this course, students will gain a thorough introduction to cutting-edge research in Deep Learning for NLP. Through lectures, assignments and a final project, students will learn the necessary skills to design, implement, and understand their own neural network models, using the Pytorch/TensorFlow framework.
Official prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Recommended prerequisite: CSC 410/610 is required. Programming experience with Python is strongly recommended.