The UNCG Department of Computer Science is part of an international multi-institutional team that will work together to propose Extended Reality and Artificial Intelligence solutions aimed at reducing social and geographical gaps in access to healthcare training and delivery. UNCG Computer Science Assistant Professor Regis Kopper is the US Principal Investigator on the project funded by the Luso-American Development Foundation which will bring together a working group of researchers from the University of Lisbon’s Higher Technical Institute in Portugal, as well as UNCG, Duke, and Clemson University in the United States. This interdisciplinary team includes experts in human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, global health, and biostatistics. The one-year funding will support the development of the partnership through multiple activities and events, including a workshop on the topic, the proposal of a dual-university degree between UNCG and the University of Lisbon, and the visit of team members to each other institutions. Long term goals of the partnership include the research, development, and deployment of technologies and user interfaces to support remote medical training, distance diagnostics, and telepresence to support expert guidance on remote procedures.
Kopper Receives a Grant on a New international partnership to promote Extended Reality and AI toward Accessible and Diverse Healthcare Training and Delivery
Posted on December 01, 2022