At the heart of any research university’s mission is the creation and sharing of knowledge, and at UNCG we take both the “creation” and “sharing” part very seriously. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching regularly reviews and classifies all educational institions in the U.S., and has designated UNCG as a “High Research Activity” doctoral university — while UNC Chapel Hill and NC State University are classified with the higher “Very High Research Activity” label, only one other public university in North Carolina has achieved the High Research Activity level of UNCG.
In the Department of Computer Science, our faculty are dedicated to advancing the field of Computer Science and involving our students in the excitment of discovery that is inherent in our research activities. Our research is well-supported by external research funding.
All tenured and tenure-track faculty are active in research, publish regularly in leading journals and conferences, and our faculty includes researchers who are internationally recognized for the quality of their work. Research strengths include many core areas of computer science, including algorithms, artificial intelligence, cryptography, database systems, networking, security, and theory of computing. For more information on individual faculty research, see individual faculty research profiles and our list of departmental research labs.
Faculty Research Summaries
The Department of Computer Science at UNCG has a small but active faculty in a variety of research areas, with well-regarded work that has appeared in leading journals and conferences. The list below is organized faculty by expertise in broad, traditional areas of computer science, and the faculty profiles that follow give more detailed information.
Algorithms and Theory of Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Data Science and Machine Learning
Minjeong Kim
Yingcheng Sun
Shan Suthaharan
Qianqian Tong
Chunjiang Zhu
Database Systems
Image Processing
Online Social Networks
Security and Cryptography
Research Labs
Advanced Research Image Analysis (ARIA) Lab
Faculty: Kim
Location: 301A Moore Bldg.
The ARIA lab hosts interdisciplinary research on image processing and analysis, specifically in biomedicine and related scientific areas. Recent projects include machine and deep learning approaches for clinical diagnosis, outcome prediction, treatment planning, and the human brain connectome.
Clinical NLP Lab
Faculty: Sun
Location: 317 Moore Bldg.
The Clinical NLP Lab hosts research on Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and machine learning, with applications in clinical informatics to solve important healthcare problems. Current research focuses on these areas: data science and machine learning for clinical evidence generation and retrieval, NLP for medical knowledge engineering.
Data and Learning Lab (DLL)
Faculty: Fu and Tong
Location: 205 Petty Bldg.
The Data and Learning Lab performs the latest research and teaching in Databases, Data Mining, and Machine Learning technologies. The lab aims at gaining insights from real-world datasets using big data, machine learning, and deep learning methods. Various projects have been conducted within the lab including: Map/Reduce technique experiments, Stochastic optimizations, Sparse learning, Federated learning, and Privacy-preserving machine learning.
Graph Computing Lab (GraphLab)
Faculty: Zhu
Location: 202 Petty Bldg.
The GraphLab hosts research in graph algorithms and machine learning with a focus on developing simple yet effective algorithms for large-scale graph datasets. Some representative topics that have been investigated in the lab include graph sparsification techniques, adversarial attacks and defense on graph data, and molecular similarity search or nearest neighbor search for drug discovery.
Network Information Lab (NIL)
Faculty: Deng
Location: 301B Moore Bldg.
The Network Information Lab hosts research projects related to wireless networks, vehicular networks, networked information, and information assurance. Recent projects include random access networks and social media sentiment analysis.
Security, Privacy, and Networking (SPAN) Lab
Faculty: Suthaharan and Tate
Location: 214 Petty Bldg.
The SPAN Lab hosts a variety of research projects that deal with networking and communication, including issues of security and privacy. Current and recent projects have dealt with issues in sensor networks, trusted computing, cryptography, and network quality of service.