
Nancy Green

Nancy Green

Associate Professor Emerita, 1999
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Delaware (1995)


Research: AI Ethics, Computational Models of Natural Argument and Rhetoric

Research Overview

Her overall research interests are in symbolic AI approaches to reasoning and argumentation; educational argument modeling systems; natural language processing (dialogue, natural language generation, natural language understanding); and human-computer interaction (multimedia presentation, virtual agents). Her current projects include AI and software engineering ethics, rhetoric and argument in science policy, argument mining in biomedical/biological research articles, and developing argument modeling tools for policy analysts and college students.

Research Support

Dr. Green’s research has been supported by National Science Foundation (NSF), in particular, the prestigious NSF CAREER award, and by the Laboratory for Analytical Sciences at NC State University.


Dr. Green received the M.A in Linguistics from UNC-Chapel Hill, the M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania, and the Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Delaware.  She was a postdoctoral research associate and researcher from 1994 to 1998 at Carnegie Mellon University before coming to UNC Greensboro in 1999.  She received a National Science Foundation Career award for her research in 2002.  Recently she has collaborated with researchers at the Laboratory for Analytical Sciences at NC State University.

Selected Publications

Current Research Interests

  • AI Ethics
  • Computational Models of Argument and Rhetoric
  • Argument Mining in Biomedical/Biology Research Literature
  • Argument Modeling Tools (for Analysts and Educational Argument Systems)

Some Past Research Projects

  • Argument Generation for Genetic Counseling (NSF Career Award)
  • Conversational Agents (Early Childhood Educator Training, Caregiver of Persons with Dementia Training, SOAR-based Cognitive Agent, Co-operative Mixed-Initiative Information System)
  • Natural Language and Multimedia Generation (Narrative Generation of Game Play, Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical Summary Generation, Summarization of Information Graphics for Persons with Visual Difficulties, Multimedia Presentation for Logistics Planning)
  • Computational Linguistics (Conversational Implicature Interpretation/Generation)

Education and Training

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon U
  • Ph.D. Computer Science, U Del
  • M.S. Computer Science, U Penn
  • M.A. Linguistics and Nonwestern Languages, UNC Chapel Hill

Previous Appointments

  • Researcher, Robotics Institute and Human Computer Interaction Institutes, CMU


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