UNC Greensboro

ScholarGPS ranks Professor Suthaharan a Highly Ranked Scholar – Lifetime

Professor Suthaharan

Shan Suthaharan, Professor of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, has been named a Highly Ranked Scholar – Lifetime by ScholarGPS. A very small and exceptionally distinguished group of scholars receive this honor. This ranking recognizes Professor Suthaharan’s high level of achievement and impact in the field … Continued

Professor Jing Deng’s New Appointment as Associate Dean

Jing Deng

The Bank of America Distinguished Professor Jing Deng of Computer Science has been appointed as a Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences. For more information: CAS Welcomes Jing Deng as New Associate Dean Congratulations, Professor Deng!

Computer Science Graduate Joshua Crotts Publishes Second Book

The cover of Joshua Crotts' book entitled Learning Java: A Test-Driven Approach

Our department is excited to share that our graduate, Joshua Crotts (M.S., 2022), has published his second book titled “Learning Java: A Test-Driven Approach.” Congratulations! Description: This introductory textbook on Java programming is different from others by its emphasis on test-driven development. Writing tests before designing the implementation is incredibly … Continued

Prof. Sun’s Healthcare AI Research Featured in Campus Weekly

“AI is powerful,” says UNC Greensboro Computer Science Assistant Professor Yingcheng Sun. “We can use it to save us labor and cost. It’s useful, but by no means perfect.”

While an AI mistake in one context may be minor, a mishap in other fields, such as health care, can be detrimental. Sun is working to mitigate some of AI’s errors by leveraging the strengths of both humans and technology, a field known as human-centered AI.

“Our goal is to improve AI and avoid repeated mistakes by involving people’s feedback throughout the process,” he says.

Two Master’s Students Won UNCG Graduate Showcase 2024

Two master’s students in our department, Sony Annem and Ashrita Dasari, won UNCG’s Graduate Research and Creativity Showcase of Scholarship. Congratulations! CATEGORY WINNERS (Health Sciences) Sony Annem Title: AI-Powered Patient Recruitment for Clinical Study Faculty Mentor: Yingcheng Sun PEOPLES’ CHOICE (Natural, Physical & Mathematical Sciences) Ashrita Dasari Title: Quantification of … Continued

Professor Suthaharan’s Machine Learning textbook records a huge number of citations

Professor Suthaharan receives “Acknowledgement of Achievement” for his textbook from Springer’s Publishing Editor. According to the Acknowledgement of Achievement, Professor Suthaharan surpassed 1,530 citations and 250,000 accesses for all chapters in his authored book Machine Learning Models and Algorithms for Big Data Classification, ISBN 978-1-4899-7640-6, published: 21 October 2015, in … Continued

Professors Kim and Sun receive UNCG FY24 Internal Research Awards

“Machine-learning methods for automated analysis of phenotypic plasticity in mammals” Assistant Professor Minjeong Kim received a collaborative research award of $25,000 with Assistant Professor Bryan McLean in the Biology department. Phenotypic traits (the morphological, physiological, and behavioral properties of organisms) mediate adaptation and the ability to respond to environmental change … Continued

Summer 2024 Classes

We will be offering the following courses in Summer I of 2024. Please consider these classes if they work with your schedule. All at MTWR 10:10-12:00. CSC 105 CSC 130 CSC 261 CSC 340